Road to Results Workshop
Guiding your business to results.
Every project begins with our signature discovery workshop. Together we focus a spotlight on the core inefficiencies causing your current undesired outcome.
Why do we need to complete this workshop?
At this point, neither of us has a blueprint that instructs us on how to achieve the desired outcome. A lot of times we do not even know what that outcome is yet. The Road to Results Workshop provides both of us with a plan of action and ensures the project's objectives are aligned with our expectations.
How does the workshop work?
Before we start planning software features, we dissect your current processes and uncover what is working and what isn't working.
Next, we establish the baseline results the project will center on. Once the results are made concrete we can create metrics to track our progress.
Now that we have a foundation built from the desired outcome and how to track our progress, we can proceed with organizing our feature list.
What do I receive from the workshop?
You will receive a complete software roadmap and project proposal. What is a roadmap? A roadmap is a compiled document of project requirements, an outline of the features, a schedule of when features should be implemented, and definitions of the desired outcome and progress metrics.
Who needs to attend from our team?
The individuals with the most "stake" in the project's success. Typically, the workshops include project managers, CEOs, CTOs, owners, and individuals whose everyday work will be impacted by the project. We limit the number of people to 5.
LunaLogic provides great solutions - they also over deliver in every aspect of your time together. They are true partners and colleagues that we look forward to continuing our work together.
Education Startup
Workshop Outcomes
Results-focused Goals
A tangible outcome where each team fully understands the outcome's value and impact for your business
Trackable Progress Metrics
A collection of data points we can now use to measure the project's overall progress.
User Profiles
An analysis of each type of individual that will use the custom software solution.
Focused Feature List
A narrowed-down compilation of the required software features that push the project to success.
Project Schedule
A schedule for feature implementation order.
Project Proposal
A defined proposal that includes an implementation agreement and quote for the exact price of the project.
Workshop Pricing
All workshops include daily catering, comfortable facilities, snacks, and drinks for the duration of the workshop. The number of days depend on the complexity of your project.
1-Day Workshop
2-Day Workshop
3-Day Workshop